
Any time we spend together in prayer builds not only a Kingdom perspective in us but strengthens our unity and relationships together – both of which are essential ingredients of a growing church. Prayer is the most exciting aspect of being a Christian, because it puts us in contact with the One who holds the key to LIFE! Prayer is vital to the life of the church. Our desire is that prayer plays a central part in all we do and at each of our meetings.
Corporate Prayer Corporate prayer is an important part of the life of the church, along with worship, teaching, communion, and fellowship. The early church met regularly to learn the teaching of the apostles, break bread, and pray together (Acts 2:42). When we pray together with other believers, the effects can be very positive. Corporate prayer edifies and unifies us as we share our common faith. “We have a Church prayer meeting on zoom once a month on the first Thursday of each month. Hopefully prayer meetings will return to being face to face once the covid rates go down. A small group of us also pray together before each Sunday service. Different people lead prayers each week in the Sunday service, and as a Church we see the importance of looking outside our Church and focusing on praying for needs around the world
Prayer texts Prayer texts are sent on behalf of people in the church asking for prayer for themselves, family or friends or a situation. They allow over 50 of us to instantly pray for a person or situation and we have seen God answer so many prayers.
Prayer for The Other Nine There are 1 in 10 Christians living daily with persecution. The Other Nine prayer campaign calls on the other nine Christians to care more for their persecuted brothers and sisters. We live in freedoms they are often denied, such as to worship together in public, own a Bible or even repair the roof of the church building. A small group of us pray regularly for the persecuted Church – before the pandemic we met together to pray every other month – and we hope to restart this once the covid rates have gone down.
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